Low taxes, mild weather and a short drive to many large metropolitan areas make Southern Delaware the dream location for many retirees.
First and foremost, there is no sales tax in the State of Delaware. So, let the shopping begin!
Real property taxes in Delaware are imposed at the local level to fund municipal and county governments as well as school districts
There are no state level property taxes in Delaware; only real property is subject to taxation
With certain exceptions, tax rates are the same for all types of property including residential, industrial and commercial
Exceptions include property tax incentives (reductions or abatements) for seniors and certain types of businesses which locate in the state
Agricultural land may be treated differently in some jurisdictions
The three Delaware counties have different dates of assessment
They tax a different proportion of that assessment
They tax at different rates
Municipal and school district rates also vary throughout the state
With a few exceptions, municipalities and school districts use the county property assessment and assessment ratios when imposing property taxes.
As a resident of Delaware, the amount of your pension and 401K income that is taxable for federal purposes is also taxable in Delaware. However, person's 60 years of age or older are entitled to a pension exclusion of up to $12,500 or the amount of the pension and eligible retirement income (whichever is less)
Eligible retirement income includes
Capital gains
Net rental income from real property
Qualified retirement plans (IRS Sec. 4974), such as IRA, 401 (K), and Keough plans, and government deferred compensation plans (IRS Sec. 457)
The combined total of pension and eligible retirement income may not exceed $12,500 per person age 60 or over
If you are under age 60 and receiving a pension, the exclusion amount is limited to $2,000
Social Security and Railroad Retirement benefits are not taxable in Delaware and should not be included in taxable income
Also, Delaware has a graduated tax rate ranging from 2.2% to 5.55% for income under $60,000, and 5.95% for income of $60,000 or over
The above information is from the Finance page of the State of Delaware website. For more information regarding property taxes, you can go to TAX CENTER or you may contact the Property Tax offices at the following phone numbers:
Property Tax - New Castle County (302) 323-2600
Property Tax - Kent County (302) 736-2077
Property Tax - Sussex County (302) 855-7760
Senior citizens can contact the Department of Finance concerning property tax reductions by clicking here.
Just to name a few, but for more ideas visit http://www.visitdelaware.com/